I am a Frontend Web Developer based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Even though I have an Instrumentation Engineering degree, coding is my passion and new professional career focus. Developing applications for the web has become my drive.

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A Netflix clone demonstrating my abilities in React JS to build something advanced like Netflix. It consists of a home screen, sign-in screen with validation using react-hook-form, sign-up screen, home screen displaying various shows according to categories and a movie player to play the trailer of the respective show as per the user's liking. It uses firebase for user authentication and gets all the data from the MovieDB API

  • React
  • CSS3
  • API


With all advanced social media features, such as Google Authentication, create, edit, delete and save posts, like and comment on other people's posts, search and filter images and much more, ShareIt is an Image Sharing Social Media App .Sanity.io manages text, images, and all other data using APIs.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Sanity.io


With the ability to search for up-to-date results, news, images, and videos, modern UI, dark mode, this completely responsive Google Clone is built using React JS, Tailwind CSS and Google Search API.

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • API


If you love reading books then Bookverse is for you. Here you can find all the top best selling books which can be shipped to your location. This project uses React JS, react hooks and react router in the front-end. The back-end is handled by Commerce.js.

  • React
  • Commerce.js
  • Material UI

Ristorante Con Fusion

This is a modern restaurant webpage featuring various sections like about, menu and contact. The users get to post reviews of the dishes and also submit their feedback. The data is fetched from a free meal API.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Reactstrap

Weather PWA

This is a weather PWA app that is powered by open weather map API. Progressive Web Apps provide with a unique opportunity to deliver a web experience your users will love. Using the latest web features to bring native-like capabilities and reliability, Progressive Web Apps allow what you build to be installed by anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase.

  • React
  • CSS3
  • API
  • PWA

Todo List

User can write todo items in an input, and can add the items to an array by clicking the “+” icon. User can also mark the task as completed and then filter the todos based on completed, uncompleted or all todos. It uses local storage to store the previous todos.

  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Local Storage


I've learned a range of technologies in the web development world.

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • React JS

  • Material UI

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Netlify

  • GitHub

About Me

It all started on afternoon when I was reading Greenlights by Mathew McConaughey when I stumbled upon a quote that would go on to change my whole career trajectory. Reading books has always been a hobby for me. Sometimes I would even lose track of time while reading a good book.

Those lines were The road less travelled by may not be a dirt road, for some it may be the autobahn. Taking the road less travelled can make all the difference. But that road isn't necessarily the road with least traffic. It may be the road that we, personally, have travelled less. Sometimes we need to get out there, sometimes we need to get in there. Some days our road less travelled is a solitary dirt trail. On others it's the subway on the 7 line.

This got me to thinking what exactly is my road not taken, so after pondering over it for a few days I came across coding and I thought I should see whether it is my road not taken or not. At that time I was about to graduate but even through my entire engineering curriculum I did not feel the joy that came from doing what you are meant to do. Thus finding my road not taken became of utmost importance. It was then that I started learning web development. It was daunting at first as all my life I had run away from programming and for the first time I was taking a step towards it. I think making such a big change in my life allowed me to face most of my fears and reassured my self-confidence and trust in my capabilities, which is difficult for someone that is constantly pushing himself to be better.

As I kept on going I started liking building websites and webapps. I am now focusing all my energy and knowledge into becoming the best web developer I can be, hoping to work in this industry for the rest of my professional life.

I am a firm believer in the growth mindset concept, and that life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself (George Bernard Shaw).


useEffect in React

While working with functional components there are no lifecycle methods and useEffect hook is present which can be used for mounting or updating operations...

useContext in React

In order to understand useContext we need to first understand the context API. As we know, react uses state to store data and props to pass data from one component to another...

useRef in React

Until now we have understood that the main use of ref is for storing value between renders.The most common use of refs is to reference the DOM elements, in fact every DOM element has a ref property which can be used for setting ref to the element....

Innovating one project at a time